
The Flying Samaritans had their beginnings in 1961 when two aviators landed in the remote town of El Rosario on the Baja Peninsula to avoid strong winds and dust storms that had developed. The people of El Rosario were extremely cordial, sharing their food and offering accommodations for the night. They were treated with such kindness that the aviators asked what they could do in return. The locals indicated they were in great need of clothing, especially for the children. One month later the aviators returned with clothing and gifts for families. Among those who made the return trip was a Medical doctor who brought his medical bag and asked if anyone needed attention.
At the time many of the villagers were unemployed and ineligible for government medical benefits, and the nearest medical services were over 140 miles away. The doctor received permission to return and continue his medical services. Because there were no roads south of Ensenada in those days, he enlisted the help of pilots and owners of small aircraft to expedite the journey. The Flying “Sams” have grown in number with chapters in Arizona and California. They now have well over 1000 volunteer members who have established and support more than 20 clinics in Baja. The volunteers of the Flying Samaritans pay their own expenses to travel to a clinic in Baja one weekend each month. Since the Flying Samaritans is an all volunteer organization with no paid staff, every dollar received through donations goes directly to help the work of the Flying Samaritans in Baja Mexico